Friday, May 24, 2013


We spent this week learning about ponds!  Of course, the best part of the week was our trip to the Welty Environmental Center yesterday.  Here are the skills we focused on this week:

*Graphing data - We played a pond dice game where students rolled a pond-themed die and then graphed the picture they rolled.  We then discussed our data and used our graphs to tell us what picture we rolled the most, the least, etc.

*Matching written numbers to sets of items - Students counted a group (or set) of items, and matched the corresponding written number.

*Pond words beginning sounds - Students attempted to identify the beginning sound and letter of pond-themed words (dragonfly - /d/, lilypad - /l/, etc.).

*Pond words writing - Students first traced and then attemped to write pond-themed words on their own.  Our printing is getting much better!

*Tissue paper snails - Students glued tissue paper to construction paper to make a colorful shell for the snail!

*Jack and Jill Frogs - Students made two frog puppets using popsicle sticks to use during our new rhyme:
         "Two little frogs sitting on a hill,
          One named Jack, one named Jill.
          "Jump!" said Jack.  "Jump" said Jill,
          And they both jumped off down the hill.
Ask your child to show you the rhyme using the puppets :)

And finally, here are some pictures from our trip this week:

It was a little chilly, but we all survived :)  Students spent the morning doing a creek study, fishing little critters out of the creek with nets.  In the afternoon, we went on a scavenger hunt through the woods.  We saw a squirrel nest, a bee hive, deer bones, geese, and lots of different plants.  We had a great time!  Thank you to all of the parents that were brave enough to go with us - we couldn't have done it without you!

A few reminders to get us through the end of the year -
     *Our school carnival is this coming Tuesday, May 28.  Dinner from the Italian House will be available for a cost of $5.00 per person beginning at 5:30.  The carnival games will begin at 6:15.  A $5.00 bracelet will allow children to play all of the games as many times as they want.

     *Graduation will be on Tuesday evening, June 4 at 6:30 PM.  Students should be in our classroom by 6:00 to get ready for the ceremony.

     *The last day of P4J is Wednesday, June 5.  We will be spending the day at Huron Park.  Permission slips will be available next week.

I hope you have an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend!  See you Tuesday!

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