We have spent the last few weeks learning about winter and polar animals.
We read the book, The Hat, by Jan Brett (Miss Katie's favorite author!) and then decorated hats to make them "fancy".
We've been working really hard on mastering our uppercase letters. Students played snowball bingo by covering letters on their snowflakes with cotton balls.
We enjoyed playing with "Floam" one day! Fun sensory experience :)
To go along with our study of The Hat, we made a hedgehog snack using donut holes, chocolate frosting, and chocolate sprinkles. It was a yummy success!
Eating them was the best part!
Some of the students discovered our magnets last week. They've been busy experimenting to see which things in our classroom are magnetic. The garbage can is certainly magnetic!
We read another Jan Brett book, The Mitten, and then laced a mitten together and cut out and colored characters from the book to put inside. Hopefully your child used their mitten to tell you the story!
We made mitten sun catchers for our window by placing tissue paper squares on contact paper.
Finally, we experimented with ice, salt, and food coloring. First we tried melting ice with plain water, and then we tried it with salt water. The salt water melted the ice faster! We also used red, yellow, and blue water and watched the colors mix together. It was pretty exciting making orange, green and purple!
We've now finished up our winter unit and are learning about the rainforest. We are inviting students to bring in an item that reminds them of the rainforest on Friday to share with the class. Ideas might be a stuffed animal from the rainforest (monkey, parrot, etc.), a food that grows in the tropics (pineapple, mango, etc.),