Friday, March 8, 2013

Fairy Tale Fun

We've spent lots of time in the last few weeks welcoming our practicum student, Miss Charlette, to our classroom.  She's been busy getting to know all of the students and learning our classroom routine.  Miss Charlette has been slowing leading more and more activities and is doing a great job!

 Miss Charlette led the students through a discussion of poisons and the children were able to sort pictures of foods and poisons into the appropriate bags. 

 Last week we did a simple experiment where we place three Skittles in a bowl of water and observed what happened.  The colors dissolved and the "S" on the Skittles floated to the top of the water!  The students then drew a picture of their observations and of course got to enjoy a few Skittles for their hard work :)

 We've really enjoyed our unit on Fairy Tales!  We spent a week reading about The Three Little Pigs.  We sequenced the events in the story, retold the story in our own words, and even got to act out the story!  This week we turned out attention to the story Jack and the Beanstalk.  Miss Katie happened to find some Magic Beans on her way to school on Tuesday, so we decided to plant them to see what would grow.

By Wednesday, there were little white stubs sticking up through the soil. 
By Friday, they'd grown in to real lollipops.  Talk about amazing :)

Of course, we also planted some real bean seeds.  We'll be keeping a close eye on these over the next few weeks.

 Since it was Fairy Tale week, we thought it would be fun to make our very own king and queen costumes.  Students made crowns, magic wands, and robes.  

We had to show everyone our costumes!

 We ended our week with a trip to the bowling alley!  I think we have some future bowlers amongst us :)  Thanks to all of the family members that came with us - extra hands are always a blessing!

Olympics Week

Here are a few highlights from our Olympics week several weeks ago...

 We started the week by making flags and torches for our Opening Ceremony parade.  
 We went "sledding" using wax paper.  Children pushed each other around on the sheets of wax paper.  We zoomed!

 We played hockey using yard sticks and beanbags.
 At our closing ceremonies, we received a medal and went on one more parade to show them off!