Other projects we've been working on:
We've been learning to sort! This week students learned how to sort by color. Next week will will try to sort by color, shape and size!
We've been learning about circles, so we made a circle painting by dipping the rim of a cup in paint to make a circle stamp!
We've continued learning about our names. Students traced their names with glue and then sprinkled Kool-Aid over the glue for a yummy-smelling project!
Students have also been busy during free choice! The block center is always popular and many students have enjoyed making zoos this week.
We have been learning about concepts of print, including how to hold a book, gently turn the pages, look at the pictures, and look for letters and words we might know on the page. Every day we have 5-10 minutes of "whisper reading" time where students may read books by themselves or with a friend.
Miss Charlette has played several fun group games with us during the past two weeks. All of the kids really enjoyed learning how to play "Red Light, Green Light".
This week we will be learning about apples! We have a great week planned and I can't wait to start! To celebrate our learning, on Friday we will be having an "Apple Harvest Celebration". We are looking for several families to share some apple-themed snacks with us on Friday. Ideas might be apple muffins, apple crisp, apple pie, etc. We will be making applesauce in class, so please do not bring that. If you are interested in helping, please sign-up in our classroom. There is a sign-up sheet on the cubbies near the Sign-In book. If baking isn't your thing, we are also in need of plates, cups and napkins for the day. Thank you!
Please see our newsletter this week for a list of upcoming events!
Have a great week!