Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Classroom Happenings....

Just a few fun things that we've been up to lately :)  We've been working hard in our Handwriting Without Tears books and we also enjoy practicing letters on the iPad. Our handwriting is really improving! Make sure to keep practicing at home!

Jesse's mom, Becky Ceballos, came and read to our class. We really enjoyed her visit and are looking forward to more mystery readers soon!

Our classroom iPad is always in use. Many students enjoy practicing their letters and sight words on it during free choice. A great app that you can use at home is Starfall. They have an alphabet app and a Learn to Read app and both are great!

Miss Tara is our new practicum student and the students are really loving her!  She loves to read to the children :)

I'm sure you heard all about it, but last week we made Oobleck in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday! If you want to make it at home, it is simply a mix of cornstarch and water. Mix it up until it is thick and goopy...and have fun!

Olympics Week

Olympics Week is always a favorite, and this year was no different. We started off the week with the Opening Ceremony. Students made flags to represent their chosen country, as well as torches. We marched through school and showed our pride for our country!

We pretended to light the official Olympic torch.

Our first event was "bobsledding". Thank you to all of the families that brought sleds for us to use!

We had the perfect day for sledding! It was a balmy 35 degrees and sunny! 

Hockey was our second event.  We used yard sticks and beanbags and tried to score as many goals as possible.

 On the last day, students received a medal that they had painted earlier in the week for their favorite event.

We cheered again for our countries and did another lap around the school.

What a super fun week!