Saturday, November 8, 2014

Farm Trip - AM Class

Our AM Class had a wonderful time visiting Hinchley's Dairy Farm near Cambridge. Here are some pictures from our day. 

Farm Activities

To get ready for our trip to the farm, we discussed different products that are produced on farms and decided to make butter! Making homemade butter is actually very simple and can easily be done at home. Pour a few tablespoons of heavy cream into a small container. Drop in a marble, seal the container, and shake! After several minutes of shaking, the butter will separate from the buttermilk. Pour off the buttermilk and enjoy your fresh butter. 

Shaking was hard work, but enjoying our butter on crackers was worth the effort!

We also painted with corn by rollimg it in the paint and then across the paper. The pattern the kernels made was very interesting!

We were also able to experience corn in the sensory table. Students were able to fill differnt sized containers to experiment with the concept of volume. Pushing the kernels off of the cob was also great for making our hands amd fingers stronger, which will help us become better writers. 

Finally, we practiced "milking a cow" by squeezing milk out of a rubber glove. This let us become familiar with what a cow's udder looks and feels like. It was also a work out for our hands and fingers!

Acorn Painting

We have a large Oak tree in our playground that fascinates our students each and every year. Our P4J students enjoyed collecting acorns and then using them to create a fall painting.