We had so much fun getting ready for Thanksgiving in P4J over the last two weeks! I will apologize in advance for the lack of pictures, but my school camera is missing so I wasn't able to take many pictures. I picked up a new one over the weekend, so more pictures should be coming :)
In our preparation for Thanksgiving, we learned about the first Thanksgiving. We learned about the Pilgrims, Native Americans, and the Mayflower. We wrote down what we knew about Thanksgiving, and added to the list as we learned new things. We talked about what we are thankful for and made a list on our whiteboard.
In math last week, we worked on copying, extending and creating patterns. We used Thanksgiving themed pictures to create AB, ABC, and ABB patterns.
We've been working a great deal on uppercase letter identification and played our "Gobble, gobble" game in small groups.
Finally, we spent time making clay turkeys, our Native American hats for the feast, as well as our feast centerpieces.
We hope that you enjoyed the feast and THANK YOU to everyone who brought items! We couldn't have pulled it off without you!
Also, thank you to all of the families that brought items for the food drive! We collected 505 items and will treat the students to some ice cream later this week :)
If you participated in our fall fundraiser, all items should be ready for pick-up this TUESDAY afternoon, from 3 to 6 PM in the parking lot.
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