Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We have been so busy lately in P4J!  We have been busy learning about spring, plants and seeds, and bugs and butterflies!  We are finally appreciating the sunshine and warm weather and have spent a great deal of time outside.

We have a few upcoming events that I want to let you know about.  Kindergarten Orientations are being held next week.  You should have received notice from your child's elementary school regarding the day and time that you signed up for.  I always enjoy hearing about "big school" from children the next day :)

Spring conferences are coming up on Wednesday, May 15 and Thursday, May 16.  The sign-up sheets will be available tomorrow for you to sign up for a time that is convenient for you.  There are limited evening times available, so please only sign up for an evening time if you cannot attend during the day.  We will be working hard on our spring assessments over the next two weeks to get ready for conferences.

We also have a field trip coming up to the Welty Center in Beloit on Thursday, May 23.  We will be leaving Cargill at 8:30 AM and returning around 1:30 PM.  Students will need to pack a lunch and chaperones are welcome to attend but will need to drive themselves or carpool.  More information will be sent home soon!

Finally, a bit of sad news.....Miss Briann has accepted a position as a personal nanny for a family and will be leaving us.  Her last day is next Friday, May 10.  I hope you get a chance to tell her good-bye and let her know how appreciated she is.  I am not sure yet who our new assistant will be for the remainder of the school year, but when I know, I'll will let you know :)

Our practicum student, Miss Charlette, will also be finishing up her practicum on May 15.  She has done a fantastic job and the students just love her!  She has done some amazing things with the students and I know she's going to be a great teacher!

As we finish up the school year, please continue to remind students to follow our school rules and use their listening ears :)  As the weather gets nicer, it gets harder and harder for students to spend their days in the classroom, but we still have a lot of learning to do to get ready for kindergarten!  We will finish up the school year learning about dinosaurs and pond life.

Finally, here are just a few pictures from the last couple of weeks:

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